Loaded the boat with all are gear and topped it off with a load of wood, camping in the mountains during november can be cold. Late season fishing can be excellent or you can have a bad storm make for tough going we're hoping for the former.
Meeting Klinkhammer at Cassel camp where we plan to mostly fish baum lake, it's only a 5 min drive down the hill but also have the canal stretch of hat creek that flows right through camp good locale. Got in that evening got nice campfire going and ate meatloaf sandwiches while we bs'd and Klink tied flies for tomorrow.
Up early.... it's kinda cold, but we're all up and have the boat on the water by 8:00 am. Within seconds of us getting down to the water and Klinkhammer has already spotted fish near us in the shallows and after further study of the water rises as well. Rowing to a spot where numerous rises had been seen and in no time I had a fish on nice brown trout on a bwo, skunk was off now. Oared in to an area where the water entered the lake, anchored in, and Hares ear was onto the only rainbow caught in baum this weekend, Shortly after Klinkhammer found a nice brown on dry and by then we all had got into a few fish nice start to the trip.
Another unfortunate part of fishing late fall is that it's dark by 5:30 in the summer you can fish till 9:30 so you don't have a whole lot of daylight. After fishing and Motoring around trying to learn the lake a bit it was time get a late lunch and if the sun permitted finish off with hat creek. The sun was good to us and so was the creek cause it didn't take long and Klinkhammer got what would turn out to be a good evening full of rainbows started. Back at camp we all decided to hit it fairly early to get an even earlier start, so not long after dinner snores could be heard.
Another cold morning but we are all up and after burning the last of the wood to warm us up we put on are waders and down the hill we went to fish baum once more. Rising again as we put the boat in, Crap I forgot my flies, luckily Hares ear decided to go back for them while we watched the boat. In the time he was gone I had caught a nice fish from shore and we realized how well you can fish here from land. A few minutes out on the boat and we were already taken hares ear to shore where he would go about catching one fish after another. But all was well we did just as well from the boat and finished off all fishing shore before heading back to camp to pack up . Great fishing trip everyone was content as we all had done well this weekend.
After 4 years of talking about going we made it and it was everything they said it was. Till next year