Upper Deschutes

The upper "D" as we call it is a small stream fly fishers dream come true. Flowing south the upper D forms from underground springs that form Little lava lake which give it spring creek qualities, before filling Crane prairie reservoir. Great trail and road access for most of it's entirety and a gradual grade make for a perfect place for youngsters or those just learning to fly fish. But that won't stop even the most experienced angler from wetting a line here, the scenery is outstanding and you'll almost always find some eager fish, but there is also a few nice size fish as well to keep the catch interesting. Downed wood abounds and makes for perfect habitat, fishing these areas can usually be productive. Campgrounds are numerous along cascade lakes highway as do many other fishing opportunities but drive by this stream you won't, at least without taking a shot at nice wild brookie or a famed deschutes redband in this beautiful slow meandering stream. 1-4 wt rods with a dry line will suffice most attractor dries as well as an assortment of nymphs will do.