A Group of family and friends from Oregon and California who travel to meet on the common ground of fly fishing, to camp, joke, tell stories, and sometimes even catch fish. To many more trips with good times and tight lines.

Monday, May 21, 2012
Manzanita lake what can I say.A staple of the flys and another one in my net,yes I did catch another brown.and thanks to red humpy[geno] for his help the net/pic.and thanks to klinkhammer[mike]for the fly.Another great trip flys thanks.
The fish was caught on intermediet sink tip line 9' 6x leader and mikes Showstopper fly ,slow strip retreive
Monday, May 14, 2012
'12 Manzanita, McCumber 5 Flies Campout
With all flies in attendance and a new fly to the group this trip had the makings of great one.
After a long drive we put up camp by lantern light and although windy were able to get a fire going to add a little warmth, we spent far to much time discussing the next days fishing and before you knew it was late and we wanted up early we all went to bed with the expectations of fishing tomorrow. A couple hours of sleep and we were up and at it but we would not fish before a flies first... biscuits and gravy!! And with full bellies the fishing began.
The sun was out early with no clouds in sight beautiful morning on a calm lake and even a rise or two. Fish were active we all saw them and each had a few strikes but no fish to hand, after a few hours on the water we met back at camp to discuss our fishing options. It didn't take long for us to decide to give manzanita lake a try so we grubbed on some food loaded up the tubes and 30 min later we were on the lake. To our surprise manzanita was on fire big browns were prowling the shoreline and rainbows were hitting the surface. But once again we just could not quite figure it out Prince nymph had quite a few strike and even lost a larger fish when it broke him off and Blue dun to go along with the takes he got fought feisty rainbow all the way to his boat before finding enough slack to shake loose, Meanwhile Hares ear and I decided to cruise the lake on foot sight fishing to cruising and feeding fish but strikes were all we got as well. So we left humbled but also exited to get back to manzanita tomorrow. Shortly after returning to camp the rest of the fly family arrived first Red humpy and Copper john followed by Klinkhammer and Renegade arrived and the party started. After greetings, hugs, jokes, and b.s. were exchanged we all hit the water for some evening dry fly action. Some decided to fish battle creek just below camp and Renegade was rewarded with his first 5 flies fish two of them in fact well done, but all were on the water for the evening hatch on the lake and Red humpy got the skunk off the lake with a nice rainbow he fooled with a parachute ant, and it was a good thing cause everyone else just could not bring a fish to hand so we had dogs and chili, tied flies, and chatted about the days fishing before calling it a night.
Saturday morning the early birds were up again eager to get the worm. Red humpy keeping the mojo going had a big fish hammer his fly and make a reel spinning run and ran and ran and when he finally reeled his line in he noticed something was wrong.. his leader was missing even worse I was the one who tied it on, truly sorry uncle Geno. Everyone else still could not get it though despite many takes we all met bake at home base and felt we'd try our luck at manzanita. And a good choice it was within minutes of arriving rises and rolling fish could be seen and just shortly after the 5 fly armada set sail Hares ear and Prince nymph had the double brown trout hookup Prince nymph caught his with great short cast into the willows on Mikes show stopper and after fighting to loosen it from the reeds it ran right back and ended up breaking him off soooo close bud, Hares ear just a little ways off shore had his slam mikes show stopper (fly of the trip) and put up a good fight before Red humpy was able to lend a net to wrangle what was possibly the fish of the weekend. Then just minutes later Prince nymph decided to finish the deal with a huge bow to hand and Blue dun made up for the fish he lost yesterday with a manzanita brown of his own. Later I would find myself in the middle of some great action, I got started off right when a pig of a bow nailed my large parachute adams and took me for a ride after a long hard fight he was netted then released but they didn't stop rising so I cast out again only to have another rainbow take my offering, but I was not done a little bit of kicking and I found myself casting to a large brown feeding along the shore after refusing my fly a few times the cast seemed to have spooked him so I took a break to re-float my fly and give the water a rest in hopes of another chance and on cue he rose again just a little further back toward shore and on my very next cast I put it right in front of him and in a few seconds he calmly swam up to my fly and slurped it, no sooner than I put on pressure and set the hook he was off making large runs with line screaming and even three jumps something I'm not used to from brown trout I finally got him in whooo hooo!! And if that just wasn't enough as were all coming in to head back to camp most of us are loading the rigs and breaking down rods when out of nowhere Klinkhammer pulled a fish in a way only he could. Reminiscent of our first trip ever to manzanita Klink catches an awesome bow on literally the last cast as everyone watched from the shore, well done dude.
Back at camp Red humpy was already on the lake while some joined him others ran down to the creek for some fun. Finishing up the fishing in style with a Prince nymph and Mosquito double then ending on good note or in this case a good dinner of spaghetti and sourdough bread. With our hunger satisfied we told stories old and new while roasting marshmellows sitting around the campfire. Thanks to everyone for making this such a great trip it as awesome to have all the flies there and nice to welcome a new fly to the group, already exited for the next one good times and tight knots on your leaders.
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